Sometimes. as a result of illness, an accident, aging or general changes in life, the things that we want to do, need to do or have to do change or become more difficult.  Occupational Therapists help people adapt and respond to these changes.  They assist people, on a very individual and practical level, to rethink and relive their lives.  Occupational Therapists help find the “possible” when things seem impossible.  They concern themselves with the “Job of Living” and help you find new ways to reach your dreams, your goals and what’s important in life.

Occupational Therapists believe that:

  • “doing” (occupation) gives meaning to life, impacts on health and well-being, and has therapeutic effectiveness
  • individuals are unique and have diverse abilities, they have dignity and worth, they can make choices about life and have the potential to change
  • the environment (the “where”) in which people do things is broad and can influence function, choice and satisfaction
  • health is more than the absence of disease.  It is influenced by choice and control in everyday life. It involves, physical, cognitive, emotional and spiritual/ self-defining aspects
  • clients (the people we work with) have experience and knowledge about themselves and that they are active participants in their health and their well-being
  • risk taking is necessary for positive change

Life is for living…rethink your life…your dreams…you!!