At Solutions Rehabilitation & Consulting, we know that the effects of an injury, illness or disability can be extensive and can happen at any time.
That’s why we provide a comprehensive range of Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation Services as well as Consultation and Expert Opinion for both Adult and Pediatric populations.
Services include: Registered Occupational Therapy, Registered Psychotherapy, Counselling, Case Management, Rehabilitation Exercise Programming, Fitness Training, Rehabilitation Support, Targeted Training and “Return To” Programs as well as designated services for Capacity Assessment, Life Care Planning, Medical-Legal Opinion as well as Eligibility Assessments for insurance and employment benefits. Clinic, home, work, school and community-based services for individuals in need of physical, cognitive and psycho-emotional rehabilitation.
We offer five distinct services (click to expand)
We provide a cost-effective, thorough and balanced analysis of an individual’s functional status, medical and rehabilitation needs. We complete both Assessment and Treatment/Rehabilitation. Our goal is to identify a rehabilitation plan that optimizes quality of life and a return to pre-accident function. Home-based, community, worksite, school and clinic services are available.
We specialize in:
- OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY – Assessment and Treatment
- Specialized Programming
- Brain Injury, Concussion and Cognitive Rehabilitation
- Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
- Amputee Rehabilitation
- Complex/ Catastrophic Injuries
- Chronic Pain Conditions
- Chronic Illness/ Multiple Diagnoses
- Acute and Chronic Mental Health Conditions
- Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Trauma, Grief, etc.
- Activation, Return to Work and Vocational Readiness Programming
- PGAP and Activation Programs
- Work Hardening – Physical, Cognitive, Psycho-Emotional
- Job Analysis/ Ergonomic Assessments
- Functional Capacity Evaluations (physical and cognitive)
- Resume and Interview Preparation Skills
- Job Search Skills
- Functional Skills Programming and Retraining
- Attendant Care Needs Assessment and Personal Care Skills Retraining
- Return to Homemaking/ Outdoor Maintenance
- Community Mobility, Safety and Function
- Banking and Financial Management
- Recreation and Leisure Adaptation
- Return to Work/ Return to School
- Driving Readiness/Preparation (physical, cognitive and anxiety)
- School Based Services
- IEP Consultation
- Anxiety Management
- Attention Skills
- Handwriting and Fine Motor Skills
- Functional Vision – Visual-Perceptual Retraining/ Functional Vision
- Pain Management Programming
- Pacing Techniques, Method Modification
- Ergonomics and Positioning
- Relaxation
- Specialized Programming
- PSYCHOTHERAPY SERVICES – Assessment and Treatment
- CBT – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – Techniques and Programs
- MCBT – Mindfulness Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- DBT – Dialectical Behaviour Therapy – Techniques and Programs
- Adjustment Counselling – Trauma, Grief, Post-Traumatic Stress, Chronic Health Conditions, Cancer, Lifestyle Changes
- Functional Exposure Therapy – PTSD, Dissociative Disorders, Panic and Anxiety
- Motivational Interviewing
- Brief Therapy
- Counselling – Grief/Trauma
- Pediatric Anxiety and Attention Disorders
- Applied Stress/ Anger Management Programs
- Relaxation Training
- Functional and Applied Psychotherapy and/or Counselling for Situational Changes and Conditions, Depression, Anxiety, Panic Disorders as well as chronic mental health conditions including: Bipolar Disorders, Personality Disorders, Psychosis, Schizophrenia, etc.
- Lifestyle and Personal Coaching/ Re-adjustment
- COMBINED Occupational Therapy/ Psychotherapy Programming
- Capacity Assessments (SDA) and Letters of Opinion
- Life Care Planning/ Future Care Cost Analysis
- Impact of Disability Assessment
- Expert Opinion/ Testimony
- Rehabilitation Exercise Programming and Fitness Training
- Rehabilitation Support Services
- Supporting OT, PT, SLP and Psychotherapy Programs
- Life Skills Development
- Home & Community Function/ Safety
- School Support
- Computer Skills/ Smart Phone Training
- Budgeting Skills
- Job Support/ Supervision
- Functional Social Skills Training
- Specialized Services – As requested
For Rehabilitation Services, contact us at:
Email: melissap@solutionsrehab.ca
Call: 1 (705) 238-1516